Maker Faire in Ghana

Today, Lisa and I found myself among inventors all over the world at Maker Faire Africa. And in the spirit of invention, ingenuity, and innovation, and inspiration, the makers at the fair were invited to present. We had a few "celebrity" figures present, which was awesome, including William Akawamba, the boy who built windmills in Malawi at age 14 and Pat Delaney, this guy from Texas who had made a multi-tool that included functions from drilling to turning to grinding, etc.

When the opportunity was opened to the floor, of course, I took this opportunity to present Global Cycle Solutions where as a maker, I discussed the impact of our technology. It was a fantastic opportunity, especially when people from Peace Corps Ghana, Millenium Villages Tanzania, the Center for Alternative Technology UK, and even the founder of NedSpace US came to chat with me personally about taking this invention to the villages and presenting our adapter and sheller at their respective conferences.

Their feedback was affirmation of the impact that we can have with our attachments. I'm looking forward to working full-time with Global Cycle Solutions! To Tanzania in a few days!

Jodie, Ghana

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