On the road with Jackson

So, these past few days have been whirlwind as we’ve been going from office to office trying to complete all the documentation needed for a start-up, from the Tanzania Revenue Authority to the Commissioner’s Office to the Municipal Office to the Immigration Office. Now, all that remains is our business license, and we will now be free to reach out to as many customers as possible.

And so next week, our journey will begin. With our new pick-up, that I purchased as somewhat of joint personal and company investment, we will head to the markets to show off our machine, get customer feedback, and prepare for the sale of our products. It will be tough due to the drought that has swept Tanzania (and therefore, no maize), but we will overcome this challenge. We will just have to think creatively to thoroughly test our product and reach out to farmers who suffered a loss this year, so get ready for some adventurous stories to come.

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